Engines of 3,0 l and 3,5 l
Gear belt and adjacent details of the engine of 3,5 l
1. Fan
2. Pulley
3. Compressor
4, 7. Arms
5. Cover
6. Pump of the hydraulic booster
The details shown at removal of a belt (3,5 l)
1, 4. Cover
2. Socket of the sensor of rotation of the crankshaft
3. Pulley
5. Belt
6. Device of an automatic tension
7. Roller of a natyazhitel
8. Lever
1. Disconnect the battery from weight.
2. Merge liquid.
3. Disconnect a hose of a radiator and remove the top casing of the fan.
4. Remove the fan with the coupling.
5. Take off all belts of hinged units.
6. Remove a fan pulley from the cooling pump.
7. Remove the pump of the hydraulic booster and an arm. Take the pump aside, without disconnecting from the highway.
8. Remove an arm of a roller of a natyazhitel.
9. Remove the conditioner compressor. Take the unit aside, without disconnecting from the highway, and fix. Remove a compressor arm.
10. Remove a fan arm.
11. Remove the top covers of a belt and laying. On the engine of 3,5 l remove the sensor of rotation of the crankshaft.
12. Remove the lower cover of a belt.
13. Install the piston of the 1st cylinder in compression step VMT. From this point rotation of the crankshaft is not allowed.
14. Turn off a pulley bolt, holding the crankshaft a special key and remove a pulley.
15. Release bolts of a natyazhitel and carefully take off a gear belt, having designated the direction of rotation.
Installation of a belt on the engine of 3,0 l
1. Check a condition of a belt, at detection of any defects replace.
2. Check a condition of a roller of a natyazhitel and teeths of asterisks.
3. Establish a natyazhitel, turn counterclockwise and fix by bolts.
4. Check combination of tags on asterisks and put on a belt, being guided on the put arrow. The belt has to be tense between asterisks of the crankshaft and the left cam-shaft. When clothing slightly press on an asterisk of the left cam-shaft counterclockwise. If the belt is tense, then tags have to coincide.
5. Establish a flange on a crankshaft asterisk.
6. Release a bolt of a natyazhitel that the roller rested against a belt.
7. Smoothly, without breakthroughs, turn the crankshaft on 2 turns clockwise and check combination of tags.
8. Tighten a bolt of a natyazhitel with m 25 N.' moment.
9. Establish all details upside-down. Replace the damaged laying of covers, having laid them in a cover on glue 3M EC 870. Tighten bolts of covers with m 11 N.' moment.
Installation of a belt on the engine of 3,5 l
1. Check a condition of a belt, at detection of any defects replace.
2. Check a condition of a roller of a natyazhitel and teeths of asterisks.
3. Squeeze a natyazhitel in a vice and record, having inserted a wire with a diameter of 1,4 mm into openings. Establish a natyazhitel and tighten a bolt with m 24 N.' moment.
4. Establish a pulley of the crankshaft and turn a crankshaft asterisk so that it was displaced on 3 teeth clockwise.
5. Combine tags of asterisks of cam-shafts of the left head.
6. Combine tags of asterisks of cam-shafts of the right head, record a key from a provorachivaniye.
7. Be convinced of combination of tags of a cam-shaft of the right head of cylinders and record a belt 2 brackets.
8. Get a belt on a cooling pump pulley.
9. Be convinced of combination of tags of a cam-shaft of the left head of cylinders and record a belt 2 brackets.
10. Get a belt on an intermediate roller.
11. Having combined tags on a crankshaft asterisk, turn the crankshaft on 1 tooth counterclockwise.
12. Put on a belt on an asterisk of the crankshaft and on a roller of a natyazhitel.
13. Place a roller of a natyazhitel so that the opening under a pin was turned up. Press a roller and tighten a bolt.
14. Combine tags on a crankshaft asterisk.
15. Check combination of all tags.
16. Turn the crankshaft on 1/4 turn counterclockwise, then turn clockwise and combine tags.
17. Release a bolt of a natyazhitel (2).
Special key turn a natyazhitel with the moment 9,4 N. of m, having pulled a belt, and at the same time tighten the central bolt of a natyazhitel with the set moment. When tightening a bolt of a natyazhitel the roller should not rotate (1. An opening under a pin; 3. Roller of a natyazhitel).
18. Get a wire from a natyazhitel and be convinced that it is possible to get a pin easily.
19. Turn the crankshaft on 2 turns and leave in this situation for 5 min.
Check freedom of movement of a pin in an opening of a natyazhitel. If the pin comes with small effort, then check a vystupaniye of a rod of a natyazhitel (A) which has to be 3, 8–4,5 mm. Otherwise repeat the procedure of clothing and adjustment of a tension of a belt.
20. Check combination of all tags on asterisks.
21. Establish all details upside-down. Replace the damaged laying of covers, having established them in a cover on glue 3M EC 870. Tighten bolts of covers with m 11 N.' moment. After launch of the engine listen to noise from a belt. If unusual noise sound, then stop the engine and check installation and a tension of a belt. Upon termination of adjust belts of the drive of hinged units.