2.13. The recommended fuel, liquids and lubricants


Filling only with unleaded gasoline with octane number not lower than 87 is allowed (by a research method). If knocks (detonation) or unstable operation of the engine ("failures") that are shown refuel gasoline with higher octane number. If this measure does not yield results, then check and adjust turns of idling and the moment of ignition. If abnormal operation of the engine still is felt, then malfunction or wear of the engine is the reason. Driving with failures in operation of the engine is not allowed as results in the increased wear of a gear belt or a chain.

The manufacturer extremely does not recommend use of various additives to fuel for cleaning of combustion chambers, etc. Very rare use of additives for cleaning of fuel pipes and a tank of resinous deposits is allowed. It is recommended to use mix of 90% of unleaded gasoline from 10% of ethanol (Gasol). If abnormal operation of the engine is felt, then it is necessary to pass to standard high-octane grades of gasoline immediately. Keep in mind that some grades of fuel already contain necessary additives. It is forbidden to fill petrolspirit mixes on the basis of methanol, otherwise the fuel system will fail.


Fuelling of brands 1-D or 2-D, or winter brand 2-D is allowed. At low temperatures fuel 1-D or winter brand 2-D is recommended. It is forbidden to add oil and various solvents to fuel. At wrong hit of gasoline in a diesel tank, remove a tank and wash out, the engine is forbidden to be started.

Oil for the engine

It is forbidden to fill in oil without the washing additives, or undiluted mineral oil.

The temperature chart of use of various oils for engines

At the left – the chart for the engine without turbo-supercharging.
On the right – the chart for the engine with a turbo-supercharging (diesels).

The manufacturer recommends the all-weather brands of oil provided below.


* SAE 5W-20 oil is not recommended for driving at high speeds irrespective of climatic conditions.


* SAE 5W-30 oil is recommended at a steady low temperature, but it is not recommended for driving at high speeds.

The recommended lubricants and liquids