13.12.1. Compressor
Fastening of the compressor on engines G63 (1), G55 (2), D55 (3)
Conditioner compressor (6-cylinder engines)
1. Belt
2. Union of hoses
3. Sealing rings
4. Compressor
5. Arm
6. Pulley nut
7. Roller of a natyazhitel
Types of connections of branch pipes on the condenser
1. Flange
2. Tube
3. Nut
4. Union
5. Ring
The highway of the 1-staged conditioner of cars with l engines 2,6 and 3,0 (12-valvate)
1. Line of absorption
2. The line with liquid coolant
3. Pressure line
The highway of the 2-staged conditioner of cars with engines 2,6 and 12-valvate 3,0 l
1. Line of absorption
2. The line with liquid coolant
3. Pressure line
The highway of the 2-staged conditioner of cars with engines 3,5 and 24-valvate 3,0 l
1. Cowl lock arm
2. Rack
3. Bolt of a cooler of transmission liquid
4. Bolt of the oil heater
5. Arm of the oil heater
6, 13. Arm
7. Bolt of fastening of the condenser
8. Tube of high pressure
9. Arm of a receiver / moisture separator
10. Receiver
11. Fan
12. Hose of high pressure
14. Condenser
15, 16, 17. Consolidation
Removal and installation
1. Depressurize the highway of coolant in car service.
2. Disconnect the battery from weight.
4-cylinder engines
3. Uncover the ignition distributor (2,0 l) or the coil (2,6 l) and take aside.
4. Take off a drive belt.
5. Disconnect from the wire compressor.
6. Disconnect hoses from the compressor, immediately muffle openings.
7. Turn off the top bolts of the compressor, having paid attention to their arrangement.
8. Holding the compressor, turn off the lower bolt and remove the compressor.
9. Installation is carried out upside-down.
10. Wrap bolts of the compressor as their former installation.
11. Replace sealing rings of hoses.
6-cylinder engines
12. Remove a radiator casing.
13. Take off a drive belt.
14. Disconnect from the wire compressor.
15. Disconnect from the wire compressor.
16. Disconnect hoses from the compressor, immediately muffle openings.
17. Turn off the top bolts of the compressor, having paid attention to their arrangement.
18. Holding the compressor, turn off the lower bolt and remove the compressor.
19. Installation is carried out upside-down.
20. Wrap bolts of the compressor as their former installation.
21. Replace sealing rings of hoses.